What is Lobbying? “Lobbying” is defined as carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence pending or proposed legislation. Attempting to influence legislation includes contacting, or urging members of the public to contact, members or employees of a legislative body to propose, support, or oppose legislation, and advocating for the adoption or rejection of legislation. …
Posts Tagged: NonProfits
What is the Difference Between a Public Charity and a Private Foundation?
In the nonprofit sector, the words “charity” and “foundation” often are used interchangeably. However, underlying these terms is a legal concept critical to most 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. Each 501(c)(3) is classified by the IRS as either a “public charity” or a “private foundation.” This classification has significant implications for the organization as it impacts the …
What Are Non-Profit Bylaws?
The creation of a non-profit organization requires completing several important steps. Once your non-profit has been incorporated, often the next step is to draft the organization’s bylaws. The bylaws are one of the most important documents for your organization. They are the rules that will govern the conduct and duties of the non-profit’s governing body, …
Year-End Charitable Contribution Tax Deduction Options
It’s time to think about year-end charitable contributions. For 2021, there are a plethora of enticing incentives for donors looking for a tax deduction for their donations. 100% Deductibility 2021 is the last year that cash donations to public charities (other than donor advised funds) will be deductible in amounts up to 100% of the …
Nonprofit Mergers
Nonprofit organizations may find themselves engaging in mergers or other business combinations in the same way as for-profit businesses. The reasons vary, including advancing strategic alliances, efficiency of operations, expanding services, and protecting assets. Whereas a merger traditionally is thought of a marriage of two or more entities, the merger may take many forms including …
How to Dissolve a Nonprofit Organization
Mission accomplished. Our needs have changed. We are not sustainable. Our efforts are better served elsewhere. There can be many reasons behind the dissolution of a nonprofit organization, but one thing is a given: from logistics to community impact, closing operations takes time and care. While there are variances from state to state, we have …