Posts Categorized: organization

Filing a Nonprofit Statement of Information: A Comprehensive Guide

May 31, 2024 Posted by Casey Summar in Director Duties, Non-profits, Nonprofits, organization

In California, every domestic nonprofit corporation must file a Statement of Information (the “Statement”) within 90 days of incorporation and every two years thereafter. Nonprofit corporations formed outside of California but that operate in the state must file a Statement of Information within 90 days of initial registration in California and every year thereafter. If …


Ensuring Effective Governance in Nonprofits: The Importance of Good Bylaws and Written Policies

April 29, 2024 Posted by Casey Summar in Non-profits, Nonprofits, organization, Policy

Effective governance is essential for the sustainability and legal compliance of nonprofit organizations. At the Law Firm for Non-Profits, we believe it is important for a nonprofit board of directors to adopt and follow suitable written policies and procedures. Such documents are vital to steering the nonprofit organization on the correct path and ensuring awareness of and adherence to the laws that regulate them. The Foundation of Good Governance: Clear and Comprehensive Bylaws Good governance …


Unrelated Business Income- Exclusions and Carve-Outs

August 25, 2023 Posted by Casey Summar in Non-profits, Nonprofits, organization, Taxes, Unrelated Business Income

Review of Unrelated Business Taxable Income While 501(c)(3) organizations are generally recognized as tax-exempt, they may have to pay tax on income derived from certain revenue-generating activities (as opposed to income from donations) known as unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). Income may be considered UBTI if it (1) is from a trade or business, (2) …


Nonprofit Mergers

Nonprofit organizations may find themselves engaging in mergers or other business combinations in the same way as for-profit businesses. The reasons vary, including advancing strategic alliances, efficiency of operations, expanding services, and protecting assets. Whereas a merger traditionally is thought of a marriage of two or more entities, the merger may take many forms including …


How to Dissolve a Nonprofit Organization

Mission accomplished. Our needs have changed. We are not sustainable. Our efforts are better served elsewhere. There can be many reasons behind the dissolution of a nonprofit organization, but one thing is a given: from logistics to community impact, closing operations takes time and care. While there are variances from state to state, we have …