Posts Tagged: Florida

Florida Enacts Tighter Regulations on Charities and Fundraisers

July 10, 2014 Posted by Jessica Shofler in Accountability, Conflict of Interest, Fundraising, News, Nonprofits

Do you remember when, in April, we told you that Florida’s lawmakers were concerned that 11 of the 50 worst charities were based in Florida. Now they are following through on their promise to do something about it. Last month Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law a comprehensive revision of the state’s charitable solicitation …


Florida Considering Tightening the Reigns on Charities and Fundraisers

April 4, 2014 Posted by Jessica Shofler in Accountability, Fundraising, News, Nonprofits

Remember when we told you about the nation’s 50 worst charities? Florida’s lawmakers noticed that 11 of those worst offenders were based in Florida. In an effort to clean up Florida’s charities, Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam has proposed a plan to tighten regulations on Florida’s charities and for-profit fundraisers. (The state charity registrar in Florida …