
2014 Year in Review of the Non-Profit Legal Matters Blog

December 29, 2014 Posted by Jessica Shofler in News, Nonprofits

download (1)As you make your nonprofit’s resolutions for 2015, take a moment to look back on the year that was for nonprofits. To help you get started, here are some of our top blog posts on 5 of the most interesting issues facing nonprofits and the nonprofit sector in 2014.

  1. This was a tough year for Lois Lerner. In the wake of the tea party scandal, we watched her downfall.

House Releases Scathing Report on Lerner

Congress Votes to Hold Lerner in Contempt

Lerner Plays Victim in Exclusive Politico Interview

  1. In 2014, the IRS introduced its Short Form Exemption Application — Form 1023-EZ, which faced opposition from charity regulators and several nonprofit associations but helped the IRS get through hundreds of exemption applications in a very short period.

IRS Releases Short Form Exemption Application — Form 1023-EZ

Can Donors Trust 1023-EZ?

REJECTED! IRS Derails Hundreds of Forms 1023-EZ

  1. At the end of 2013, we blogged about the more than 1,000 nonprofit organization that reported a “significant diversion” of assets since 2008. In 2014, we saw embezzlement hit all types and sizes of nonprofits.

May is for Embezzlement Convictions

Nonprofit Embezzlement Finally Stopped After 40 Months

Ex-Charity Head Faces Allegations of $3.8M Embezzlement

  1. Many celebrity charities faced scandal in 2014. Did your favorite celebrity end up under the negative spotlight?

Lady Gaga Boosts New Tax Plan

Bernie Mac Foundation Joins List of Troubled Celebrity Charities

  1. Whether or not to take donations or grants from unsavory sources became a big topic in 2014 as the Koch brothers made sizable donations to schools around the country.

To Take Or Not to Take . . . (A Scandalous Donation)

UnKoch My Campus

It was a great year for all of us at The Law Firm for Non-Profits! Arthur celebrated his 18th anniversary of starting the firm and Jessica got married. We wish you a happy new year and a prosperous start to 2015!

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