Posts Tagged: Form 990-N

990-N Filers Face Additional Requirements

February 28, 2012 Posted by The Law Firm for Non-Profits, P.C. in IRS, News

Listen up 990-N filers. The IRS recently advised that, generally, if there are changes to a nonprofit’s name or changes to its structure or operations, the organization must notify the IRS in writing of such changes. In other words, filing the 990-N may not be enough. This advice comes in response to a request for …


Confirming a Charity’s Exempt Status Just Got Easier

January 25, 2012 Posted by The Law Firm for Non-Profits, P.C. in IRS, News

If you have ever gone to the IRS website to confirm a charity’s tax-exempt status, you know that it was not very user-friendly. The IRS took notice and has just established an improved searchable database. The new site includes the ability to search for: a charity’s status using its EIN; organizations that have filed a …