
Deficit Commission to Congress: “Eliminate the Charitable Deduction”

Among the recommendations of the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is to eliminate the deduction for charitable contributions.

While the report did not receive sufficient votes to require an up-or-down vote in Congress, this recommendation did catch the attention of Congress and, apparently, the White House.

This is one of many issues we will see this year that may affect the very viability of non-profits. We remind you that non-profits may lobby with some restrictions, but those restrictions do not apply when the lobbying is done in “self-defense.” A future issue of our newsletter, Non-Profit Legal Matters, will be devoted to this topic. Subscribe to the newsletter so that you don’t miss it.

NOTE: The information contained herein is not intended to be legal advice and the reader should know that no Attorney-Client relationship or privilege is formed by the posting or reading of this article which is also not intended to solicit business.

Casey Summar, Partner, The Law Firm for Non-Profits,1812 W Burbank Blvd, #7445, Burbank, CA 91506

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