The IRS announced that it will extend all nonprofit filing deadlines (i.e., exempt organization filing deadlines). Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all IRS forms that exempt organizations are required to file between now and July 14, 2020 will now be due on July 15, 2020.
For example, a nonprofit organization with a December 31 year end must ordinarily file its Form 990 on May 15, 2020. It now has until July 15, 2020 to file its Form 990 with no need to take any further action. Likewise, a June 30 year end filing that properly submitted a request for a filing extension also now has until July 15, 2020 to file its 2018-2019 Form 990.
The filing extension is available automatically. Nonprofit organizations do no need to contact the IRS to take advantage of the extension on nonprofit filing deadlines. If your organization needs to extend its filing deadline beyond July 15, 2020, it will need to file for an extension with the IRS using the normal extension form.
To learn about additional relief available to your nonprofit organization as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, please visit our COVID-19 relief webpage and view our previous posts. The Law Firm for Non-Profits is here to assist you if you have any questions related to the relief available to your nonprofit organization.